Saturday, February 16, 2013

Daisy Scout

Gwen was SO excited and had no idea this wasn't for her.  Eva's fake smile doesn't get much faker than this one.  
This is a "mom-get-this-picture-done-and-get-to-car" smile.

Literally two streets before we get to the troop meeting, Gwen passes out in the car (naturally after refusing to sleep at home during regular nap time.)  The classic dilemma - go with the older one to her meeting or stay in the car and let the little one sleep?  
Both - Eva and I quietly got out of the car and walked across the street.  Eva walked up the entry and walked in all by herself.  Other moms said she held herself with confidence...go Eva! Gwen and I joined later and Gwen continued to nap until time to go home.  Good day!

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